Mark Phippard <> writes:

> That said, I did misunderstand the proposal.  I thought it was
> suggesting we should just make things case-INsensitive.  I thought
> that would be the wrong decision at this point.
> The file has always been case sensitive.  So if you are just fixing a
> bug that was found, regardless whether it is contrived, I just do not
> see what the big deal is.  There is no behavior change here.  Fix it.
> Backport it to 1.7 or whatever.  Why do we feel the need to announce
> anything or worry about the timing?

Making username handling case-sensitive seems like a good option, the
earlier behaviour was a very confusing mix of case-sensitive and
case-insensitive matching.

groups are a bit different.  In the past they were simply
case-insensitive with the last group definition and access rule being
used. So

    foo = pm
    FOO = mp

    @fOO = r
    @Foo = rw

defines a single group (= mp) and single access rule (= rw).  Now that
is still a contrived example but something like this is more likely:

    Read_Users = philip

    @Read_users = r

The new case-sensitive behaviour makes this file invalid while the old
behaviour granted read access.  We probably want to avoid such a change
in a minor release.

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