On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 6:27 PM, Branko Čibej <br...@wandisco.com> wrote:

> On 30.05.2013 03:03, Blair Zajac wrote:
> > ... one could stop thinking about memory management.
> Ha, ha, <censored> ha.
> I've heard that argument any number of times from C++ enthusiasts. I
> still get a kick from seeing their faces after they realize what a load
> of <censored> it is when you actually get away from "Hello, world!" to
> something closer to the complexity of real projects.


Spending any amount of time around C++ programmers, and you quickly learn
that they have just as much paranoia about memory as your standard C
programmer.  Actually, it's even worse, since the language "hides" just
enough detail that you can't really glance at code and know what's going
on, memory-wise ("is this thing being copied?"  "who owns this thing?"  "is
it a reference or a pointer or something else?").  Using C++ doesn't solve
any memory management problems.

It'd be really painful to write code in anything less than C++11, and as
has been stated before, the platform support for that is very piecemeal.
 In that case, it might even be worth examining Lua or Go or Haskell. :)

Most importantly, I've not yet heard a good statement of the problem that
such a rewrite would solve.  (Though I might not be listening closely


PS - For those that want to waste a bunch of time bashing C++, I suggest
the "Frequently Questioned Answers" document: http://yosefk.com/c++fqa/  I
bit dated, but entertaining nonetheless.

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