At the risk of jinxing the proposed June 18th release date for 1.8.0,
I'm posting the proposed tarballs for signing and testing:

These are cut from the same magic rev as 1.8.0-rc3, meaning that if
you've already tested rc3, you can just verify this fact and sign the
new tarballs.  (If you haven't tested, feel free to do so.)

I'd really like to make that June 18 date, and I'm hoping that 4 days
lead time is enough to accommodate the limited testing we should need to do.

Remember that in order to do a 1.8.0 release on June 18th we need
signatures finished
by the 17th so that we can stage the files to the mirrors.  Branko
will be doing the staging
and the release announcements so I'm assuming he'll want signatures
done by sometime in the
day European time Monday.

Should we find some blocking issue between now and Monday, we'll
simply not release a 1.8.0 and move on to 1.8.1.

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