On Tue, Jul 09, 2013 at 12:25:33PM +0200, Bert Huijben wrote:
> I haven't tested this, but this currently appears to remove the safety net 
> around:
> $ rm trunk
> $ svn co URL trunk
> (which would produce an error and now two working copies)

Why shouldn't it produce two working copies?
The inner working copy is seen as an obstruction in the outer WC.
I don't see why this would be a problem. It's a silly use case, but
we don't need to strictly prevent it.

> Or:
> $ svn rm trunk
> $ svn co URL trunk
> (which will now produce two working copies, with the first partially 
> obstructed)

Same point as above.

> Or even:
> $ svn up --set-depth excluded trunk
> $ svn co URL trunk

Same point as above.
> In all these cases 1.6 would have behaved one way, and with single-db we 
> behave in a different way as we don't just attach subdirectories in the 
> parent wc.db.
> This patch might fix a few use cases, but I don't think it solves a real 
> problem... And it might create a whole heap of new propblems

Can you please suggest a better way of fixing the original issue then?

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