Greg Stein <> writes:

> In the wiki page you started, I thought we already solved the move issue by
> using the original state for the source. (and remove rotate)
> I didn't read this treatise, cuz I think it has an incorrect starting
> assumption. You state early about sequential edits, when we relaxed that a
> bit due to needing to retain the original state. Does it respond to the
> proposal from your wiki page?

I'm not sure to which wiki page you are referring.  My recollection of
the last dev discussion (see Julian's mail) is that there is still a

>> === Examples Solved ===
>> Example 1:
>>   |                     |
>>   +--A  mv--\    add--> +--A
>>              \             |
>>               \-->         +--B
>>   1. alter-dir / (children={A})

Do we need to call alter-dir when a child is replaced or only when a
child is added/removed?  If we look at the working copy update receiver
it wants to record incomplete for adds but probably does nothing for
replaces, it may not even do anything for deletes preferring to leave it
to the delete call.

>>   2. mv-away A (id=“original A”)
>>   3. add-directory A (children={B})
>>   4. mv-here A/B (id=“original A”)

Philip Martin | Subversion Committer
WANdisco // *Non-Stop Data*

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