Julian Foad <julianf...@btopenworld.com> writes:

> Ben Reser wrote:
>> On Wed Aug 21 10:44:52 2013, Patrick Sawyer wrote:
>>>  It could be useful to have a svn -v option that would give the option
>>>  to filter out the changeset to only reflect the changes with respect
>>>  to the file/subdir you run the command on.
>>>  Users performing a log may not care about the rest of the changeset.
>> I'm assuming you mean svn log -v.
>> I've wanted some sort of --exclude option to log so that I can ignore 
>> changes that only touch things in the exclude list (would make my job 
>> of writing CHANGES for the branches easier).  But that doesn't seem to 
>> be what you're proposing here.
>> You just want the verbose listing of modifications to be trimmed to 
>> only the path you asked for.
> That's how I understand Patrick's request, and I wholeheartedly agree
> there's a need for that functionality.

Client-side or server-side?  We would probably want a client-side
implementation so that this feature works with old servers.  Would we
also have a server-side implementation so that newer servers can avoid
transferring data that the client will discard?

Philip Martin | Subversion Committer
WANdisco // *Non-Stop Data*

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