On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Julian Foad <julianf...@btopenworld.com> wrote:
> Lieven Govaerts wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 2:06 PM, i...@apache.org <i...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>  URL: http://svn.apache.org/r1492168
>>>  Log:
>>>  Implement '--log' option for 'svn mergeinfo --show-revs'
>>>  subcommand to print revisions log message, author and date.
>> Thank you!
> This makes sense to me as a feature extension.  In any GUI I'd expect to be 
> able to view the log messages of any revision numbers displayed by such a 
> command.
> Lieven explained to me how the previous method of piping 'svn mergeinfo' 
> through 'xargs svn log' is a bit more complex than it would ideally be -- not 
> least on Windows, of course.
>> The one remark I have on the feature (I didn't review the code), is
>> that the revisions are logged oldest-first, whereas the 'svn log'
>> output prints from most recent to oldest.
>> I think we should be consistent here and reorder svn merge info --log
>> output most recent first.
> Well... maybe.  I have no problem with that as such... but then the default 
> direction of
>   svn mergeinfo --show-revs=... --log
> would be different from the default direction of
>   svn mergeinfo --show-revs=...
> So, would we want to consider changing the default direction of the latter?  
> I think not, because people are probably using it to drive merging-related 
> scripts and there is no very compelling reason to change it at the expense of 
> breaking those.
> I guess it's OK for the default to be backwards with the --log option (for 
> consistency with 'svn log'), and forwards otherwise (for back-compat).
> On the other hand, I think consistency *within* the 'svn mergeinfo' command 
> should take precedence over consistency across different commands.  Just like 
> for 'svn log --diff', where consistency with 'svn log' should take precedence 
> of consistency with 'svn diff'.

Now that I have a bit more experience with svn mergeinfo --log from
reviewing the revisions from serf trunk that can be backported to serf
release branches, I think the most recent first order is the more
natural, at least for this use case.

> =====================
> More generally, how many features of "svn log" do we want "svn mergeinfo 
> --log" to support?

I miss --limit, or another easy way to select only those revisions on
trunk since the last patch release (of course I can lookup the
revision of the last tag, but --limit 50 is easier).


>   --diff?
>   --quiet?
>   --verbose?
>   --search?
> Can we think of a way of enabling these kinds of options, that doesn't 
> involve expanding the 'svn mergeinfo' command to encompass all of the 'svn 
> log' and 'svn diff' options?  Some middle ground between that and leaving it 
> up to the user to script it?
> - Julian

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