Because sqlite produces ~50000 extra letters of bumpf per compile that often obscures actually important compiler messages, I've not been as diligent as I should have been about reading compiler messages. A lot the time I get lucky and it doesn't matter, but I also got caught out by that.

Here is how to get rid of all the noise and make your compiler output useful once again:

First we take a snapshot of the 'native' compiler messages that come with the trunk:

make 1> 2>stderr.constant; \
sort --unique stderr.constant > stderr.unique | grep -v sqlite

This removes the sqlite warnings and shows you only the current warning messages that are actually ~/trunk related.

Any subsequent compiles that are started with the line below will use the generated stderr.unique file to filter output and remove every compiler message that is 'native' to the trunk, leaving just the messages that pertain to your code:

make > 2> >(tee | while read line; do echo $line | grep -F -- $line" stderr.unique 2> /dev/null; if [ $? = 1 ]; then echo "$line" >&2; fi; done)

You can also type this line when you invoke the emacs compile buffer and your C-x ` will continue to work.

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