On 17.11.2013 21:44, Gabriela Gibson wrote:
> Thanks Brane,
> no :) plain fact is that I didn't think that changing code I messed up
> within the branch and then fixed as significant.

We have a policy about log messages, regardless of where the commit is
made. That's the long and short of it. If you're a (partial) committer
on this project, you will follow the rules that the community has
constrained itself with, and *you*** have promised to follow by
accepting comitter status.

We can change the policy, if we reach consensus about that. But we
haven't yet. And frankly I'm tired of debating this with you.

> I sort of see the branch as a semi-private space, where I do stuff
> that you can look at, but that doesn't have much meaning (hence me
> terming N changes in M files as 'trivial' -- it's jst a bit of of umm
> ascii) until it's good and ready for me to invite scrutiny.  Privacy
> for patzers :)

You're committing to the public repository of an open-source project, so
there's no such thing as privacy in that respect.

> Maybe what is needed is a personal commit space where I can reign
> supreme.  (fact is, my computer is ancient (but nice and familiar to
> use) and I don't trust it.)

Then propose a change to our policy, with appropriate changes to the
HACKING docs, for establishing such a space. Just note that even if we
do establish such an area, it's likely to have two limitations:

  * you'd only be able to commit code related to the project;
  * you'd still have to write a proper log message if you merge from
    such a private area to trunk or some other non-private branch.

> My other problem is that Apache code carries a copyright, so I'm
> reluctant to use newfangled things like clouds and their fancy
> (loooong) usage legalese that  could get me (and Apache) into trouble.
> (some ppl just like to see the world burn and the lawyers earn).

The above leads me to suspect that you haven't read, or understood, the
Apache License. I wonder how you came to sign the ICLA then ...

> I also hope not to give ppl too much useless work, hence me leaving
> off certain log messages off b/c they really are a waste of human
> time, it's just where I goofed and not worth anyone's time.  That's
> the main concept here, I'm trying to save your time, probably in the
> wrong way :)

You're actually creating more work for people. I've spent more time
debating log messages with you in the last week than in several years

-- Brane

Branko Čibej | Director of Subversion
WANdisco // Non-Stop Data
e. br...@wandisco.com

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