On 2/16/14, 1:22 AM, Branko Čibej wrote:
> On 16.02.2014 10:10, Markus Schaber wrote:
>> Hi, Ben,
>> Von: Ben Reser [b...@reser.org]
>>> 1) If something like bindings is broken on a build bot for branches then
>>> disable the test on that buildbot.  It is far better to disable bindings 
>>> tests
>>> than it is to continue to allow the build bot to fail and thus encourage us 
>>> to
>>> ignore the build bot entirely.
>> Is it possible to separate the bindings into a separate build? Thus, we can
>> easily see that the SVN build itsself works, and only the bindings fail?
> We can already see this.

Well yes and no.  If the bindings are being tested out of the same script that
runs the other tests then you can only see that the bindings failed as long as
the logs are still available.  Given that branches don't get built that often
the logs for the most recent branch build can easily be long gone.

Splitting them doesn't really help them towards my purposes here.  If the bot
or notification email says the build fails and doesn't say why someone still
has to look at why.  Once you're looking at why and see failures you know about
you'll eventually start ignoring the bot.

My goal is to make it so every bot failure is considered something that needs
to be looked into.  Release branches even more so than trunk.

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