Philip Martin <> writes:

> Ben Reser <> writes:
>> On 2/24/14, 11:10 AM, Philip Martin wrote:
>>> It's hard to fix.  Commit and unlock are separate filesystem operations
>>> and the server can always die, or fail the unlock, after the commit. I
>>> suppose a new filesystem might have a commit-and-unlock operation but
>>> how could FSFS solve it?  We might be able to make FSFS ignore the lock
>>> if the file has been deleted, but that just postpones the problem until
>>> another commit recreates the file.
>> So remove the locks as part of creating a new file.  Even if the commit fails
>> for whatever reason and you remove locks that's not a problem.  You were
>> ignoring those locks anyway.
> Yes, that might work, we would probably need to check added directories
> as well as added files.  We would need to do it during the final stage
> of the commit when converting the transaction to a revision.  We could
> also check when adding a node to a transaction but that is not
> sufficient because even if no no lock exists at that point a file could
> get added/locked/deleted before the transaction completes.

We must do part of this already, since these phantom locks cause commits
to fail.

We can't simply fail all adds when a lock exists since we need to be
make sure replace works:

   svn lock wc/f
   svn rm wc/f
   touch wc/f
   svn add wc/f
   svn ci wc

Philip Martin | Subversion Committer
WANdisco // *Non-Stop Data*

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