Branko Čibej wrote:

> On 09.03.2014 15:48, Mattias Engdegård wrote:
>> 22 feb 2014 kl. 13.57 skrev Mattias Engdegård: 
>>> Sorry about resuming an old thread, but since most translations are not
>>> kept up to date, what about switching to the Translation Project instead?
>> Given the lack of response, the conclusion is that there is no
>> interest for such a migration, but no firm resistance either. In

It sounds like a good idea to me, but I'm not a translator.  There *are* some 
existing translators of Subversion, but maybe they are not reading the dev 
list, or haven't noticed your email.  (I suppose it's been a long time since we 
last gave then anything substantially new to translate.)

I think it would be polite it you attempt to contact them more directly.  
Aren't there some dedicated mailing lists for Subversion translators?  I looked 
for info on -- 
which mentions "Translation discussion takes place both on that list
and on dedicated native language mailing lists 
(l10n-??", and on which has a link right at the 
end to where there are three 
listed which don't appear to be recently active (the 'last post date' listed 
there seems to be wrong -- maybe includes spam?), but maybe some people on 
those lists are still contactable and interested.

Note also that there is already a Pootle instance for Subversion at 
<>, with only the German 
language using it.  I have no idea whether that's more or less Good than the 
Translation Project or if it's a complementary resource.

>> an attempt to sweeten the deal, I'll take care of the initial
>> legwork myself, priming the pump and propose documentation patches
>> as necessary. 

It sounds like a good idea for you to set something up so that it's ready to be 
used, but I'm just concerned that we don't upset anybody by appearing to take 
away their existing role or work flow from anyone who feels they are the 
current translator, without consulting them first.  Maybe you could set up your 
own language on TP, and write the instructions for other people to migrate 
theirs, but don't actually "push the button" for those other languages until 
you're sure we've made every effort to contact the current volunteers.

What do you think?

- Julian

>> The plan would be to start with the most recent release, 1.8.8,
>> and to have the translation machinery well-oiled in time for
>> 1.9.0. What about it?
> I agree. You can't expect developers to define localization
> procedures; it's better to leave that task to translators, who
> actually know what it's all about.

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