On 6/1/14, 5:57 AM, Gabriela Gibson wrote:
> The current Community Guide doesn't turn up in Google searches for 'svn 
> hacking
> guide' because the document is now called 'Apache Subversion Community Guide
> (aka "HACKING")', whereas before it was called 'Hacking Guide'.
> https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=svn+hacking+guide&oq=svn+hacking+guide&aqs=chrome..69i57.5847j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8&qscrl=1
> The first link is correctly redirected but the second link points to an
> outdated version.
> [[[
> Add redirection to point to the current version of the Apache
> Subversion Community Guide to old HACKING GUIDE branch because it
> turns up in position 2 when searching Google for 'svn Hacking Guide'.
> * subversion/branches/take2/www/hacking.html
>   (meta): Redirect to current Community Guide.
> ]]]

First of all Google's results are highly localized so what you see as a result
is not what I see.  The only useful link that I see is the link to the old
hacking.html in the issue-2897-take2 branch.  I don't see the "first link" that
you say is correctly redirected.

Now as to your actual patch.  I don't think this is really the right way to
resolve this.  This branch is for issue 2897:

This issue is marked closed, the branch hasn't been touched since 2009.  So I
think we should just delete the branch, which will make it 404 and will
ultimately remove the result for Google's search engine.  I've done so in 

Even if this branch wasn't obsolete and couldn't be deleted, your suggested
change would not be appropriate.  Because it would introduce spurious changes
that are not related to the branch.

With respect to your commit message (ignoring that the change isn't
appropriate).  We typically write commit messages for the path within the
branch or trunk root, not the repository root.  For branches we use the
following style:
  On the 'name-of-branch' branch: (Start of your log message)

So you commit message should probably have been:
On the 'issue-2897-take2' branch: Add redirection to point to the current
version of the Apache Subversion Community Guide because this branch turns up
in position 2 when searching Google for 'svn hacking guide'.

* www/hacking.html
  (meta): Redirect to current Community Guide.

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