
After looking at Stefan and Ivan's very helpful critique, I had one of
those 'may be good or may be terrible' ideas :)

--invoke-diff-cmd is now absorbed into --diff-cmd (whilst preserving the old functionality and look), and most issues that Ivan and Stefan flagged up have been resolved thus.

I like this better because there is only one --diff-cmd now, and it's
a much simpler structure (at least this is the theory).

I've adjusted the original diff_external_diffcmd_test and added 4 more, and all bar one XFAIL pass.

Because I'm not a great parser coder, and I'm not quite sure that the
current behavior is what we actually want, I've left the library
function style in svn_io__create_custom_diff_cmd() in place for now,
until we have a precise idea of what is actually required, since I
know exactly what this does, which isn't a givens for C strings ;-)

As suggested by danielsh, I attempted to add support for program names with a space in them and allowed the user to type 'my\ diff foo bar baz' but unfortunately this fails at shell level, and I don't know enough about this subject to find a good solution here.

The failed test diff_tests.py 52 shows up like this:

(I renamed the diff_script to 'diff script' at generation time, test
52 is a copy of test 51, bar the diff script name change.)

g@campion:~/test_trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline$ ./diff_tests.py 52
W: exec of './diff\ script' failed: No such file or directorysubversion/svn/diff-cmd.c:427,
W: subversion/libsvn_client/diff.c:2403,
W: subversion/libsvn_client/diff.c:2211,
W: subversion/libsvn_client/diff.c:1676,
W: subversion/libsvn_wc/diff_local.c:500,
W: subversion/libsvn_wc/status.c:2717,
W: subversion/libsvn_wc/status.c:1460,
W: subversion/libsvn_wc/status.c:1115,
W: subversion/libsvn_wc/status.c:834,
W: subversion/libsvn_wc/diff_local.c:369,
W: subversion/libsvn_wc/diff_editor.c:555,
W: subversion/libsvn_client/diff.c:950,
W: subversion/libsvn_client/diff.c:828,
W: subversion/libsvn_subr/io.c:3235: (apr_err=SVN_ERR_EXTERNAL_PROGRAM)
W: svn: E200012: './diff\ script -L "X Y Z" -L "A B C D" %svn_old +%svn_new+' was expanded to './diff\ script "X Y Z" -L "A B C D" /home/g/test_trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/svn-test-work/working_copies/diff_tests-52/.svn/pristine/2c/2c0aa9014a0cd07f01795a333d82485ef6d083e2.svn-base +/home/g/test_trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/svn-test-work/working_copies/diff_tests-52/iota+ ' and returned 255 W: CWD: /home/g/test_trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/svn-test-work/working_copies/diff_tests-52 W: EXCEPTION: Failure: Command failed: "/home/g/test_trunk/subversion/svn/svn diff --diff-cmd=./diff\ script -L "X Y Z" -L "A B C D" %svn_old +%svn_new+ iota ..."; exit code 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/g/test_trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/svntest/main.py", line 1621, in run
    rc = self.pred.run(sandbox)
File "/home/g/test_trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/svntest/testcase.py", line 114, in run
    return self._delegate.run(sandbox)
File "/home/g/test_trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/svntest/testcase.py", line 176, in run
    return self.func(sandbox)
  File "./diff_tests.py", line 3292, in diff_external_diffcmd_4
File "/home/g/test_trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/svntest/actions.py", line 284, in run_and_verify_svn
    expected_exit, *varargs)
File "/home/g/test_trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/svntest/actions.py", line 322, in run_and_verify_svn2
    exit_code, out, err = main.run_svn(want_err, *varargs)
File "/home/g/test_trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/svntest/main.py", line 702, in run_svn
File "/home/g/test_trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/svntest/main.py", line 368, in run_command
    None, *varargs)
File "/home/g/test_trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/svntest/main.py", line 560, in run_command_stdin
    '"; exit code ' + str(exit_code))
Failure: Command failed: "/home/g/test_trunk/subversion/svn/svn diff --diff-cmd=./diff\ script -L "X Y Z" -L "A B C D" %svn_old +%svn_new+ iota ..."; exit code 1
XFAIL: diff_tests.py 52: svn diff --diff-cmd w. spaces in diff program name

thanks for looking,



Patch for discussion: Add new syntax facility to --diff-cmd and it's
config counterpart, whilst preserving the old behaviour.

The new syntax allows the use of 4 keywords:
%svn_new_label, %svn_old_label, %svn_old %svn_new

So constructs like:

$svn diff --diff-cmd=
"diff --ignore-file-name-case -L "One Two" -L %svn_new_label %svn_old %svn_new"

are possible.  --extensions is not used if the code does not detect an
old style diff-command command. Characters immediately adjacent to a keyword are also supported (as requested by Julian Foad).

The tests for this patch may be run with ./diff_tests.py 48 through 52

* subversion/include/private/svn_io_private.h
  (svn_io__create_custom_diff_cmd): Declare new function and document

* subversion/libsvn_subr/io.c

  (svn_io__create_custom_diff_cmd): New Function. This function
    translates user input to diff input.

  (svn_io_run_diff): Refactor function to preserve old behaviour of
    --diff-cmd whilst facilitiating the new extended syntax.

* subversion/tests/cmdline/diff_tests.py

  (diff_external_diffcmd): Change test description, rename the test
    script 'diff' to the more descriptive 'diff_script.

  (diff_external_diffcmd_1): New function.  Test that the --extensions
    option works as before when the --diff-cmd is used with the
    classic syntax.

  (diff_external_diffcmd_2): New function.  Check that the new syntax
    produces a correct, simple diff program call.

  (diff_external_diffcmd_3): New function.  Check that multi word
    labels that may just have one letter are correctly handled.  Check
    that file names can be correctly parsed into +file_name+
    form. This case handles also the cases of -filename or filename+
    where + and - are placeholders for any chosen character.  Check
    that escaped spaces are correctly handled, in case the user has a
    windows-style program name with a space in it.  This currently
    fails at shell level, so this may be the wrong approach
    alltogether.  Error message obtained is provided as a comment at
    the end of the function.

  (diff_external_diffcmd_4): New function with XFAIL result.  Check
    that escaped spaces are correctly handled, in case the user has a
    program name with a space in it.  This currently fails at shell
    level, so this may be the wrong approach alltogether.

  (test_list): Add diff_external_diffcmd_1, diff_external_diffcmd_2,
    diff_external_diffcmd_3 and diff_external_diffcmd_4.

Index: diff_tests.py
--- diff_tests.py	(revision 1604282)
+++ diff_tests.py	(working copy)
@@ -3065,9 +3065,11 @@ def diff_wrong_extension_type(sbox):
   svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [], err.INVALID_DIFF_OPTION,
                                      'diff', '-x', sbox.wc_dir, '-r', '1')
 # Check the order of the arguments for an external diff tool
+# This tests the old-style command
 def diff_external_diffcmd(sbox):
-  "svn diff --diff-cmd provides the correct arguments"
+  "org. svn diff --diff-cmd provides correct args"
   sbox.build(read_only = True)
@@ -3077,7 +3079,7 @@ def diff_external_diffcmd(sbox):
   # Create a small diff mock object that prints its arguments to stdout.
   # (This path needs an explicit directory component to avoid searching.)
-  diff_script_path = os.path.join('.', 'diff')
+  diff_script_path = os.path.join('.', 'diff_script')
   # TODO: make the create function return the actual script name, and rename
   # it to something more generic.
   svntest.main.create_python_hook_script(diff_script_path, 'import sys\n'
@@ -3102,7 +3104,193 @@ def diff_external_diffcmd(sbox):
                                      'diff', '--diff-cmd', diff_script_path,
+# Check the order of the arguments for an external diff tool
+# This tests the old-style command with extensions
+def diff_external_diffcmd_1(sbox):
+  "old svn diff --diff-cmd provides correct ext"
+  sbox.build(read_only = True)
+  os.chdir(sbox.wc_dir)
+  iota_path = 'iota'
+  svntest.main.file_append(iota_path, "new text in iota")
+  # Create a small diff mock object that prints its arguments to stdout.
+  # (This path needs an explicit directory component to avoid searching.)
+  diff_script_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'diff_script')
+  # TODO: make the create function return the actual script name, and rename
+  # it to something more generic.
+  svntest.main.create_python_hook_script(diff_script_path, 'import sys\n'
+    'for arg in sys.argv[1:]:\n  print(arg)\n')
+  if sys.platform == 'win32':
+    diff_script_path = "%s.bat" % diff_script_path
+  expected_output = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput([
+    "Index: iota\n",
+    "===================================================================\n",
+    "-p\n",
+    "-u\n",
+    "-L\n",
+    "iota\t(revision 1)\n",
+    "-L\n",
+    "iota\t(working copy)\n",
+    os.path.abspath(svntest.wc.text_base_path("iota")) + "\n",
+    os.path.abspath("iota") + "\n"])
+  # Check that the output of diff corresponds with the expected arguments,
+  # in the correct order.
+  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output, [],
+                                     'diff',
+                                     '-x -p -u',
+                                     '--diff-cmd',
+                                     diff_script_path,
+                                     iota_path)
+# Check the correct parsing of arguments for an external diff tool
+# this tests the simple new style command
+def diff_external_diffcmd_2(sbox):
+  "new svn diff --diff-cmd provides correct args"
+  sbox.build(read_only = True)
+  os.chdir(sbox.wc_dir)
+  diff_script_path = os.path.join('.', 'diff_script')
+  svntest.main.create_python_hook_script(diff_script_path, 'import sys\n'
+    'for arg in sys.argv[1:]:\n  print(arg)\n')
+  if sys.platform == 'win32':
+     diff_script_path = "%s.bat" % diff_script_path
+  iota_path = 'iota'
+  svntest.main.file_append(iota_path, "new text in iota")
+  expected_output = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput([
+      "Index: iota\n",
+      "===================================================================\n",
+      "-L\n",
+      # correct label %svn_label_old -> label 1
+      "iota	 (revision 1)\n",   
+      "-L\n",
+      # correct label %svn_label_new -> label 2
+      "iota	 (working copy)\n",
+      # correct file %svn_old -> old
+      os.path.abspath(svntest.wc.text_base_path("iota")) + "\n",
+      # correct file %svn_new -> new
+      os.path.abspath("iota") + "\n",
+      ])
+  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output, [],
+                                     'diff',
+       '--diff-cmd='+diff_script_path+' -L %svn_label_old -L %svn_label_new %svn_old %svn_new ',
+                                     iota_path)
+# Check the correct parsing of arguments for an external diff tool
+# this tests the new style command with n-word labels,
+# +'s on either side of the expanded file name and whether
+# program names with spaces are correctly interpreted.
+def diff_external_diffcmd_3(sbox):
+  "svn diff --diff-cmd labels with ext. syntax"
+  sbox.build(read_only = True)
+  os.chdir(sbox.wc_dir)
+  #make a windows style script name, with a space in it.
+  diff_script_path = os.path.join('.', "diff_script")
+  svntest.main.create_python_hook_script(diff_script_path, 'import sys\n'
+    'for arg in sys.argv[1:]:\n  print(arg)\n')
+  if sys.platform == 'win32':
+     diff_script_path = "%s.bat" % diff_script_path
+  iota_path = 'iota'
+  svntest.main.file_append(iota_path, "new text in iota")
+  expected_output = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput([
+      "Index: iota\n",
+      "===================================================================\n",
+      "-L\n",
+      # correct label %svn_label_old -> label 1
+      '"X"\n',   
+      # correct label %svn_label_new -> label 2
+      "-L\n",
+      '"A B C D"\n',
+      # correct file %svn_old -> old
+      os.path.abspath(svntest.wc.text_base_path("iota")) + "\n",
+      # correct insertion of filename into string "+%svn_new+" -> "+"+new+"+"
+      "+" + os.path.abspath("iota") + "+\n",
+      ])
+  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output, [],
+                                     'diff',
+                                     '--diff-cmd='+
+                                     diff_script_path+
+   ' -L "X" -L "A B C D" %svn_old +%svn_new+',
+                                     iota_path)
+# Check that an escaped space using '\ 'is correctly interpreted.
+# This test is expected to fail currently, see sample output in
+# comment at the end.
+def diff_external_diffcmd_4(sbox):
+  "svn diff --diff-cmd w. spaces in diff program name"
+  sbox.build(read_only = True)
+  os.chdir(sbox.wc_dir)
+  #make a windows style script name, with a space in it.
+  diff_script_path = os.path.join('.', "diff script")
+  svntest.main.create_python_hook_script(diff_script_path, 'import sys\n'
+    'for arg in sys.argv[1:]:\n  print(arg)\n')
+  # now rename it like a human would type it
+  diff_script_path = os.path.join('.', "diff\ script")
+  if sys.platform == 'win32':
+     diff_script_path = "%s.bat" % diff_script_path
+  iota_path = 'iota'
+  svntest.main.file_append(iota_path, "new text in iota")
+  expected_output = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput([
+      "Index: iota\n",
+      "===================================================================\n",
+      "-L\n",
+      # correct label %svn_label_old -> label 1
+      '"X Y Z"\n',   
+      # correct label %svn_label_new -> label 2
+      "-L\n",
+      '"A B C D"\n',
+      # correct file %svn_old -> old
+      os.path.abspath(svntest.wc.text_base_path("iota")) + "\n",
+      # correct insertion of filename into string "+%svn_new+" -> "+"+new+"+"
+      "+" + os.path.abspath("iota") + "+\n",
+      ])
+  # This currently fails, but shows the anticipated output.  This may be a
+  # shell issue, and needs investigating.  See failure message below.
+  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output, [],
+                                     'diff',
+                                     '--diff-cmd='+
+                                     diff_script_path+
+   ' -L "X Y Z" -L "A B C D" %svn_old +%svn_new+',
+                                     iota_path)
 # Diffing an unrelated repository URL against working copy with
 # local modifications (i.e. not committed). This is issue #3295 (diff
@@ -4730,6 +4918,10 @@ test_list = [ None,
+              diff_external_diffcmd_1,
+              diff_external_diffcmd_2,
+              diff_external_diffcmd_3,
+              diff_external_diffcmd_4,

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