Mark Phippard <> writes:

> On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Philip Martin <>
> wrote:
>> I can trigger the decompression error on a 5GB REPORT by setting
>> http-bulk-updates=yes on the client side.
> This does not really answer the question.
> Was your REPORT 5GB because it had a single file > 4GB or because it had
> tens of thousands of small files?  Mike's question is about the latter.
> Does Serf only fail when decompressing a single large file, or also if the
> entire REPORT response happens to be > 4 GB?  The latter probably would be
> a much more common problem to run into if it can happen.

I don't think it makes a difference, serf will generate the error in
both cases.

Serf is decompressing the HTTP body of the REPORT.  At the Subversion
level the body is an XML <S:update-report> but as far as serf is
concerned it is just a block of data that has to be decompressed.  Serf
doesn't look to see whether the uncompressed data really is XML so it
certainly doesn't care whether there is one <S:txdelta> or many.

Philip Martin | Subversion Committer
WANdisco // *Non-Stop Data*

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