The attached patch enables the following behaviour:

    % svn --config-option=config:auth:password-stories= status iota
    svn: warning: apr_err=SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR
    svn: warning: W205000: Ignoring unknown value 'password-stories'; did you 
mean 'password-stores'?
    M       iota
    % svn --config-option=config:foobar:password-stores= status iota
    svn: warning: apr_err=SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR
    svn: warning: W205000: Ignoring unknown value 'foobar'
    M       iota

The combination itself is not validated: a correctly-spelled option in
the wrong section (such as config:helpers:http-library=...) won't
trigger a warning.

Unknown options will cause warnings even if they are used by the
substitution syntax, e.g.,
   --config-option config:auth:foo=bar
will trigger a warning about 'foo', even if
   --config-option 'config:auth:password-stores=%(foo)s'
is specified on the command-line or in the --config-dir.  (If this is
a concern, we could move the spell-checking to a later point in the
argument parsing sequence, after the configuration from --config-dir has
been loaded.)

Log message skeleton:

    Generate a list of SVN_CONFIG_* file/section/option names for the
    svn_cmdline_*() C code to use.

* subversion/libsvn_subr/cmdline.c
    When parsing the argument to --config-option, spell-check the
    FILE:SECTION:OPTION coordinates, and warn if any component is


(I'm going to be mostly offline for a few days; will reply when I'm back)
Index: build/generator/
--- build/generator/	(revision 1670590)
+++ build/generator/	(working copy)
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 # -- infrastructure for generating makefiles, dependencies, etc.
+import collections
 import os
 import sys
 import glob
@@ -319,6 +320,91 @@ class GeneratorBase:
   def errno_filter(self, codes):
     return codes
+  class FileSectionOptionEnum(object):
+    # These are accessed via getattr() later on
+    file = object()
+    section = object()
+    option = object()
+  def _client_configuration_defines(self):
+    """Return an iterator over SVN_CONFIG_* #define's in the "Client
+    configuration files strings" section of svn_config.h."""
+    pattern = re.compile(
+      r'^\s*#\s*define\s+'
+      r'(?P<macro>SVN_CONFIG_(?P<kind>CATEGORY|SECTION|OPTION)_[A-Z0-9a-z_]+)'
+    )
+    kind = {
+      'CATEGORY': self.FileSectionOptionEnum.file,
+      'SECTION': self.FileSectionOptionEnum.section,
+      'OPTION': self.FileSectionOptionEnum.option,
+    }
+    fname = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])),
+                         'subversion', 'include', 'svn_config.h')
+    lines = iter(open(fname))
+    for line in lines:
+      if "@name Client configuration files strings" in line:
+        break
+    else:
+      raise Exception("Unable to parse svn_config.h")
+    for line in lines:
+      if "@{" in line:
+        break
+    else:
+      raise Exception("Unable to parse svn_config.h")
+    for line in lines:
+      if "@}" in line:
+        break
+      match = pattern.match(line)
+      if match:
+        yield (
+          kind['kind')],
+        )
+    else:
+      raise Exception("Unable to parse svn_config.h")
+  def write_config_keys(self):
+    groupby = collections.defaultdict(list)
+    empty_sections = []
+    previous = (None, None)
+    for macro, kind in self._client_configuration_defines():
+      if (previous[1] is self.FileSectionOptionEnum.section
+          or previous[1] is self.FileSectionOptionEnum.option) \
+         and kind is self.FileSectionOptionEnum.section:
+        empty_sections.append(macro)
+      groupby[kind].append(macro)
+      previous = (macro, kind)
+    lines = []
+    lines.append('/* Automatically generated by %s:write_config_keys() */'
+                 % (__file__,))
+    lines.append('')
+    for kind in ('file', 'section', 'option'):
+      macros = groupby[getattr(self.FileSectionOptionEnum, kind)]
+      lines.append('const char *svn__valid_config_%ss[] = {' % (kind,))
+      for macro in macros:
+        lines.append('  %s,' % (macro,))
+      # Remove ',' for c89 compatibility
+      lines[-1] = lines[-1][0:-1]
+      lines.append('};')
+      lines.append('')
+    lines.append('const char *svn__empty_config_sections[] = {');
+    for section in empty_sections:
+      lines.append('  %s,' % (section,))
+    # Remove ',' for c89 compatibility
+    lines[-1] = lines[-1][0:-1]
+    lines.append('};')
+    lines.append('')
+    self.write_file_if_changed('subversion/libsvn_subr/',
+                               '\n'.join(lines))
 class DependencyGraph:
   """Record dependencies between build items.
@@ -1212,6 +1298,9 @@ class IncludeDependencyInfo:
       if os.sep.join(['libsvn_subr', 'error.c']) in fname \
            and '' == include_param:
         continue # generated by GeneratorBase.write_errno_table
+      if os.sep.join(['libsvn_subr', 'cmdline.c']) in fname \
+           and '' == include_param:
+        continue # generated by GeneratorBase.write_config_keys
       elif direct_possibility_fname in domain_fnames:
         self._upd_dep_hash(hdrs, direct_possibility_fname, type_code)
       elif (len(domain_fnames) == 1
---	(revision 1670590)
+++	(working copy)
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ def main(fname, gentype, verfname=None,
+  generator.write_config_keys()
   if ('--debug', '') in other_options:
     for dep_type, target_dict in generator.graph.deps.items():
Index: subversion/include/private/svn_cmdline_private.h
--- subversion/include/private/svn_cmdline_private.h	(revision 1670590)
+++ subversion/include/private/svn_cmdline_private.h	(working copy)
@@ -89,6 +89,9 @@ typedef struct svn_cmdline__config_argument_t
  * data in @a pool
  * @since New in 1.7.
+ *
+ * @since 1.9: If the file/section/option combination is unknown, warn to @c
+ * stderr.
 svn_error_t *
 svn_cmdline__parse_config_option(apr_array_header_t *config_options,
Index: subversion/libsvn_subr/cmdline.c
--- subversion/libsvn_subr/cmdline.c	(revision 1670590)
+++ subversion/libsvn_subr/cmdline.c	(working copy)
@@ -810,6 +810,116 @@ svn_cmdline__print_xml_prop(svn_stringbuf_t **outs
+/* Return the most similar string to NEEDLE in HAYSTACK, which contains
+ * HAYSTACK_LEN elements.  Return NULL if no string is sufficiently similar.
+ */
+static const char *
+most_similar(const char *needle_cstr,
+             const char **haystack,
+             apr_size_t haystack_len,
+             apr_pool_t *scratch_pool)
+  /* TODO: use svn_cl__similarity_check()? */
+  const char *max_similar;
+  apr_size_t max_score = 0;
+  apr_size_t i;
+  svn_membuf_t membuf;
+  svn_string_t *needle_str = svn_string_create(needle_cstr, scratch_pool);
+  svn_membuf__create(&membuf, 64, scratch_pool);
+  for (i = 0; i < haystack_len; i++)
+    {
+      apr_size_t score;
+      svn_string_t *hay = svn_string_create(haystack[i], scratch_pool);
+      score = svn_string__similarity(needle_str, hay, &membuf, NULL);
+      if (score >= (2 * SVN_STRING__SIM_RANGE_MAX + 1) / 3
+          && score > max_score)
+        {
+          max_score = score;
+          max_similar = haystack[i];
+        }
+    }
+  if (max_score)
+    return max_similar;
+  else
+    return NULL;
+/* Verify that NEEDLE is in HAYSTACK, which contains HAYSTACK_LEN elements. */
+static svn_error_t *
+string_in_array(const char *needle,
+                const char **haystack,
+                apr_size_t haystack_len,
+                apr_pool_t *scratch_pool)
+  const char *next_of_kin;
+  apr_size_t i;
+  for (i = 0; i < haystack_len; i++)
+    {
+      if (!strcmp(needle, haystack[i]))
+        return SVN_NO_ERROR;
+    }
+  /* Error. */
+  next_of_kin = most_similar(needle, haystack, haystack_len, scratch_pool);
+  if (next_of_kin)
+    return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR, NULL,
+                             _("Ignoring unknown value '%s'; "
+                               "did you mean '%s'?"),
+                             needle, next_of_kin);
+  else
+    return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR, NULL,
+                             _("Ignoring unknown value '%s'"),
+                             needle);
+#include ""
+/* Validate the FILE, SECTION, and OPTION components of CONFIG_OPTION are
+ * known.  Warn to stderr if not. */
+static svn_error_t *
+validate_config_option(svn_cmdline__config_argument_t *config_option,
+                       apr_pool_t *scratch_pool)
+  svn_boolean_t arbitrary_keys = FALSE;
+  /* TODO: some day, we could also verify that OPTION is valid for SECTION;
+     i.e., forbid config:working-copy:diff-extensions and similar invalid
+     combinations. */
+#define ARRAYLEN(x) ( sizeof((x)) / sizeof((x)[0]) )
+  SVN_ERR(string_in_array(config_option->file, svn__valid_config_files,
+                          ARRAYLEN(svn__valid_config_files),
+                          scratch_pool));
+  SVN_ERR(string_in_array(config_option->section, svn__valid_config_sections,
+                          ARRAYLEN(svn__valid_config_sections),
+                          scratch_pool));
+  /* Don't validate option names for sections such as servers[group],
+   * config[tunnels], and config[auto-props] that permit arbitrary options. */
+    {
+      int i;
+      for (i = 0; i < ARRAYLEN(svn__empty_config_sections); i++)
+        if (!strcmp(config_option->section, svn__empty_config_sections[i]))
+          arbitrary_keys = TRUE;
+    }
+  if (! arbitrary_keys)
+    SVN_ERR(string_in_array(config_option->option, svn__valid_config_options,
+                            ARRAYLEN(svn__valid_config_options),
+                            scratch_pool));
+#undef ARRAYLEN
+  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
 svn_error_t *
 svn_cmdline__parse_config_option(apr_array_header_t *config_options,
                                  const char *opt_arg,
@@ -826,6 +936,8 @@ svn_cmdline__parse_config_option(apr_array_header_
           if ((equals_sign = strchr(second_colon + 1, '=')) &&
               (equals_sign != second_colon + 1))
+              svn_error_t *warning;
               config_option = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(*config_option));
               config_option->file = apr_pstrndup(pool, opt_arg,
                                                  first_colon - opt_arg);
@@ -834,6 +946,14 @@ svn_cmdline__parse_config_option(apr_array_header_
               config_option->option = apr_pstrndup(pool, second_colon + 1,
                                                    equals_sign - second_colon - 1);
+              warning = validate_config_option(config_option, pool);
+              if (warning)
+                {
+                  /* TODO: before committing, add 'prefix' argument */
+                  svn_handle_warning2(stderr, warning, "svn: ");
+                  svn_error_clear(warning);
+                }
               if (! (strchr(config_option->option, ':')))
                   config_option->value = apr_pstrndup(pool, equals_sign + 1,
Index: subversion/tests/cmdline/
--- subversion/tests/cmdline/	(revision 1670590)
+++ subversion/tests/cmdline/	(working copy)
@@ -223,6 +223,18 @@ def getopt_help_bogus_cmd(sbox):
   "run svn help bogus-cmd"
   run_one_test(sbox, 'svn_help_bogus-cmd', 'help', 'bogus-cmd')
+def getopt_config_option(sbox):
+  "--config-option's spell checking"
+, read_only=True)
+  expected_stderr = '.*W205000.*did you mean.*'
+  expected_stdout = svntest.verify.AnyOutput
+  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(expected_stdout, expected_stderr,
+                                     'info', 
+                                     '--config-option',
+                                     'config:miscellanous:diff-extensions=' +
+                                       '-u -p',
+                                     '--', sbox.repo_url)
 # Run the tests
@@ -237,6 +249,7 @@ test_list = [ None,
+              getopt_config_option,
 if __name__ == '__main__':

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