
While trying to commit a change to an xml file with the svn:mime-type property set to "text/xml" I get the error:
Commit failed:
The XML response contains invalid XML
Malformed XML: no element found

This happens with all xml files if I try to commit those to any repository on Sourceforge.net. It does not seem to matter what part of the file I change, the commit fails every time.

But this only happens with a build from the 1.9.x branch (as of a few minutes ago). If I use a build from 1.8.x the commit succeeds. So I think there's a problem in the 1.9.x branch that should be fixed before the official release, since Sourceforge is still a big hoster of svn projects, especially now that google code is shutting down.

Note: both clients I tried use
apr 1.5.1
apr-util 1.5.4
serf 1.3.8
OpenSSL 1.0.2a

but only the 1.8.x client succeeds committing the changes.


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