On 7 September 2015 at 18:47, Stefan <luke1...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm pleased to announce the availability of a new distribution of SVN
> called: "MaxSVN".
> In contrast to other SVN distributions this one is a bit different since it
> aims towards being used primarily to support SVN development rather than
> being used in production environments.
> Its primary purpose is to test and identify issues of SVN against the latest
> build tools and dependencies on Windows.
> It can however also be useful in other situations like if you wanna check
> whether a current development branch solved a particular issue or to check
> out the new features in an upcoming SVN release before it becomes available
> as part of a final release.
> Please note once more that I strongly suggest against using MaxSVN in your
> daily productive use. Please stick with one of the already available Windows
> distributions. A list of these can be found on the MaxSVN webpage:
> http://www.luke1410.de/typo3/index.php?id=97
> Also understand that MaxSVN is a product distributed, maintained and created
> by myself and is not directly associated with the Apache Subversion project.
> The latest current available builds are:
> - (current latest 1.7 released version)
> - (current latest 1.8 released version)
> - (current 1.8 preview version)
> - (current latest 1.9 released version)
> - (current 1.9 preview version)
> - (current 1.10 preview version)
> Feel free to send any feedback directly to me by mail or use the bugtracker
> at http://www.luke1410.de:8090/browse/MAXSVN to add bugreports/feature
> requests.
May I suggest to rename branch and trunk builds version to something
like 1.9.x-dev-rXXXX and 1.10.x-dev-rXXX? Never replace 'x' with the
current version patch version. I.e. '1.9.x-dev-r1701757'.

Because versions like may confuse users. It's very hard to
find difference between and to distinguish official
releases from development builds.


Ivan Zhakov

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