One of our users is reporting frequent clean up errors:

svn: E720032: Can't remove
svn: E720032: Can't remove file
'C:\Project\Path\To\WorkingCopy\.svn\tmp\svn-30D0973': Det går inte att komma åt filen eftersom den används av en annan process.

When investigating file system locks, smartsvn.exe (which is using Subversion binaries) is the only process which is holding locks on this file. Locks are hold until SmartSVN is closed.

Which parts of the code might hold locks on such temporary files and might this be caused by wrong API usage?

As a side note, he is only able to perform a clean up with NetBeans (which is using SVNKit), once SmartSVN has been closed. This means, that he is also using SVNKit on the same working copy (but not necessarily concurrently).


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