On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 07:31:57AM +0200, Stefan Fuhrmann wrote:
>   Ubuntu 16.04 x64, Linux 4.4.0-21-generic SMP
>   Standard dependencies:
>     Apache 2.4.18, worker MPM
>     APR 1.5.2
>     APR-Util 1.5.4
>     BDB 5.3.28
>     GCC 5.3.1
>     JUnit 4.12
>     libmagic 5.25
>     libtool, libtool-bin 2.4.6
>     OpenJDK-8 8u77
>     OpenSSL 1.0.2g
>     Perl 5.22.1
>     Python 2.7.11
>     Ruby 2.3.0
> […]
> Results:
>   (Perl tests) Various "Warning: unable to close filehandle $.. properly:
> Bad file descriptor at ..(ramdrive)..";
>                tests succeeded
>   (Ruby tests) `block (2 levels) in test_load' test fails

This is likely solved by my patch here
<http://svn.haxx.se/dev/archive-2015-11/0016.shtml> which I've been
including in Debian's (and therefore Ubuntu's) packaging.

I've been meaning to talk to some Ruby folks to answer Philip's

GPG Key: 4096R/331BA3DB 2011-12-05 James McCoy <james...@jamessan.com>

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