On 8/16/2016 17:54, Stefan Hett wrote:
> Hi,
> attached is a different approach to resolve the conflict resolution
> issue based on stsp's suggestion.
> The patch was tested against 1.9.x as well as trunk without triggering
> any test failures.
> It was also tested manually against TSVN 1.9.4 to confirm it resolves
> the conflict resolution issue there.
> [[[
> Resolves the error case for binary file conflicts selecting to use the
> full
> local version, by allowing using the local file, if no merged file is
> present.
> * subversion/libsvn_wc/conflicts.c
>   (build_text_conflict_resolve_items): in case mine_abspath is null, take
>                                        local_abspath instead in case of
> svn_wc_conflict_choose_mine_full
> Suggested by: stsp
> ]]]
> For the record: I certainly think that investigating Bert's idea to
> not require setting an install path, if nothing needs to be installed,
> sounds like a better approach, but this also seems to require more
> work due to the test failures the previous patch triggered.
With the help from danielsh I was able to reproduce the issue with the
svn command line client as well (or better said: I believe that the
issue I triggered with the command line client has the same underlying
root cause the issue in TSVN has). See [1].

I've also attached a repro batch file to the JIRA issue, demonstrating
the problem.

[1] = https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SVN-4647


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