On 14 October 2016 at 15:24, Patrick Steinhardt
<patrick.steinha...@elegosoft.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> attached patch fixes compatibility with ISO C90. It fixes
> trailing commas in enum lists as well as one case where variadic
> macros are used, which are a feature of C99. What it does not fix
> is strings with overlength (C90 only allows for fixed strings
> with a maximum length of 509 characters).
> This allows us to build the code with `-Werror -pedantic
> -Wno-overlength-strings`.
> [[
> Improve C90 compatibility by removing trailing commas in enum
> lists as well as converting a variadic macro stub with an empty
> function.
> * subversion/include/svn_client.h:
>   (svn_client_config_option_id_t): remove trailing comma
> * subversion/include/svn_wc.h:
>   (svn_wc_notify_action_t): remove trailing comma
> * subversion/libsvn_subr/cache-membuffer.c:
>   (prefix_pool_create): remove trailing comma
> * subversion/svn/svn.c:
>   (svn_cl__longopt_t): remove trailing comma
> * subversion/svnmucc/svnmucc.c:
>   (sub_main): remove trailing comma
> * subversion/svnmover/linenoise/linenouse.c:
>   (lndebug): replace variadic macro stub with an empty variadic
>   function
> ]]
Committed in 1764919 with tweaked log message.

Ivan Zhakov

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