On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 01:31:46PM +0100, Stefan Kueng wrote:
> Hi,
> trying out the new conflict resolver. Ran into a segfault on my first try:

Thank you! I will fix this ASAP.
> libsvn_client\conflicts.c, function find_modified_rev():
> if there is no author for a commit, then we get a segfault here:
>   /* No paths were changed in this revision.  Nothing to do. */
>   if (! log_entry->changed_paths2)
>     return SVN_NO_ERROR;
>   details = apr_pcalloc(b->result_pool, sizeof(*details));
>   details->rev = log_entry->revision;
>   author = svn_hash_gets(log_entry->revprops, SVN_PROP_REVISION_AUTHOR);
> *** now 'author' is nullptr, and the next line crashes:
>   details->author = apr_pstrdup(b->result_pool, author->data);
>   details->text_modified = svn_tristate_unknown;
>   details->props_modified = svn_tristate_unknown;
>   details->children_modified = svn_tristate_unknown;
> Stefan
> -- 
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