On Tue, May 09, 2017 at 10:40:17AM +0000, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> Johan, Stefan and I were talking on IRC about getting more people (devs
> and users) to run trunk / prereleases, in order to find more bugs before
> .0's release.
> One of the ideas that came up was to establish a dedicated mailing list
> for beta / pre-release feedback.  The thinking is that having a channel
> for advanced users to discuss 1.10-dev issues in — without noise from
> support requests or design discussions — might encourage more such
> discussion to happen.
> Thoughts?

Does the current level of noise on our lists really justify another list?
As far as I can tell the number of postings is steadily going down.

That said, if a special-purpose list such as this is useful to a subset
of our community, then I don't see why not.

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