On 30.06.2017 15:05, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
The 1.9.6 release artifacts are now available for testing/signing.

Please get the tarballs from
and add your signatures there.

I'm aiming to release this within a week.  (CHANGES points to this
Wednesday, which may be a bit optimistic on my part.)

Special notes for this release:

1. *.sha512 files are being created.  Please verify them as you used to
    verify the *.sha1 filfes.

2. CHANGES links to a not-yet-written section of the release notes.
    That section is expected to be written in the next few days.



  +1 to release
  (despite binding issues - see below)


  Ubuntu 16.04.2 x64, Linux 4.4.0-81-generic SMP

  Standard dependencies:
    Apache 2.4.18, worker MPM
    APR 1.5.2
    APR-Util 1.5.4
    BDB 5.3.28
    GCC 5.4.0
    JUnit 4.12
    libmagic 5.25
    libtool, libtool-bin 2.4.6
    OpenJDK-8 8u77
    OpenSSL 1.0.2g
    Perl 5.22.1
    Python 2.7.11
    Ruby 2.3.0
    Serf 1.3.8
    SQLite 3.11.0
    Swig 2.0.12
    zlib 1.2.8

  Manually installed and in-tree dependencies:
    ctypesgen svn-r151


  Tarball contents and signatures

  (fsfs, bdb, fsx) x (local, svnserve, serf)



  (Ruby tests) Various test failures. Mostly related to sqlite in WC:
               "Svn::Error::SqliteBusy: sqlite[S5]: database is locked" when
               accecssing Svn::Wc::AdmAccess methods.
  (Perl tests): Several warnings issued (all tests still reported as passsed):
                Warning: unable to close filehandle $out_fh properly: Bad file
descriptor at /dev/shm/dist/subversion-1.9.6/subversion/bindings/swig/perl/native/blib/lib/SVN/Core.pm line 58
  (Java tests): Many warnings issued (all tests still reported as passsed):
                WARNING in native method: JNI call made without checking
                exceptions when required to from CallObjectMethodV
  (Ubuntu issue) ./configure needed global variables set to make LTO work:
                 AR="gcc-ar" NM="gcc-nm" RANLIB=gcc-ranlib

  All tests passed.

GPG Signatures committed to the dist/dev/subversion repository.

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