
What is the story? How is this going to help Subversion users?

The idea sounds interesting. However, I'm not sure how it will help
the users. I don't mind whether I have Read Only or Read / Write
access to an FTP resource or another kind of remote data. I just know
whether I have access to the resource or not. IMO, this is a
communication problem and it's not what SVN has to solve.

On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 6:25 PM, Paul Hammant <p...@hammant.org> wrote:
> So maybe the header added to HTTP GETs of resources would be:
>     resource-is-not-modifiable-by-you: true
> In the absence of this new feature of Subversion
> I'm going to have to encode something verbose in the repo itself as hidden
> files:
>     <repo-URL>/.sync/server-settings/users/<username>/readonly-masks.txt
> And I would generate those masks from dav_svn.authz for that user (on the
> server side). The file would be Globbing/regex-ish, of course.
> Regards,
> - Paul

With best regards,
Pavel Lyalyakin
VisualSVN Team

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