Julian Foad wrote:
> Quickly trying it out, I notice a bug. Matching is, presumably, I hope,
> intended to be case-insensitive, consistent with 'svn log --search'. It
> doesn't work properly: it seems not to match filenames containing
> upper-case characters:
> $ svn list | grep -i "^co"
> configure.ac
> contrib/
> $ svn list --search 'co*'
> configure.ac
> contrib/
> $ svn list --search 'CO*'
> configure.ac
> contrib/

Also the search term seems to be required to match the entire path, so I
need to write "co*" rather than just "co" to match "configure.ac". That
is inconsistent with "svn log --search" which looks for the pattern as a
substring even when matching paths. I think differences such as this are

- Julian

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