Great! I gather from the reactions in this thread that we have
consensus on the principle, we "just" need to do it :-). And figure
out some details.

- WC multiple format support: we're okay for now (1.8 - 1.10 have the
same format), but for 1.11 it would be good if we can make
better-pristines happen (go Brane! :-).

- Frequency: should we aim for 6 months, or 9, 12, ... for the "fast
releases" (and "long term support" releases, each a couple of years
apart)? I'd stick with my initial proposal: 6 month release cycle, and
designate one as an LTS release every 2 years, of which we support one
fully, and one more with only security fixes.

If any of our packagers / distributors / integrators has some feedback
here, that'd be most welcome.


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