On 30.12.2017 11:00, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> Branko Čibej wrote on Sat, 30 Dec 2017 10:09 +0100:
>> Don't know what you were trying
> [[[
> % cat ~/.subversion/config
> [miscellany]
> global-ignores = bar
>  foo
> % touch foo bar
> ]]]
>> but see parse_option() and
>> parse_value_continuation_lines() in subversion/libsvn_subr/config_file.c.
> (lldb) p ctx->value->data
> (char *) $2 = 0x00007ffff7e1d310 "bar oo"
> And if I «touch ./oo» then ./oo gets ignored and ./foo doesn't.
> We've got an off-by-one somewhere.

Indeed ... and here I thought we had tests for this. I'll look into it
later today, but I suspect one of the recent merges may have introduced
this bug.

-- Brane

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