> On 10 Jan 2018, at 9:18 pm, Stefan Sperling <s...@apache.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 02:56:51AM +0000, Philip Martin wrote:
>> Gavin McDonald <ga...@16degrees.com.au> writes:
>>> https://ci.apache.org/builders/serf-sparc64-solaris
>>> <https://ci.apache.org/builders/serf-sparc64-solaris> shows pending
>>> jobs since last August and the previous
>>> build that actually ran was July last year.
>>> From what I can tell, the buildbot vm has been offline for over 5 months 
>>> now.
>>> Unless it will be revived, I intend to remove the node from our
>>> master, and remove the associated jobs from the subversion.conf file
>>> in the next few days.
>> Yes, do so.  WANdisco did attempt to revive the buildbot after I left
>> but I believe the hardware has failed.
> I am currently setting up a new OpenBSD/sparc64 buildbot.
> I'll send more info once I've got it completely set up.

Good news!

In the meantime this sparc box and config have been removed.

Will be glad to assist in getting the new one attached to our master.



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