On 30.03.2018 00:27, Philip Martin wrote:
Philip Martin<phi...@codematters.co.uk>  writes:

   +1 to release
The swig-pl tests produce warnings for:

Warning: unable to close filehandle $out_fh properly: Bad file descriptor at 
 line 58.
FWIW, I see the same on Ubuntu 16.04.4 and
they have been present in alpha2 already.
Core.pm:58 is a call to apr_terminate() so perhaps pool cleanup is
attempting to close a file that has been already closed.

The JavaHL tests produce warnings for:

WARNING in native method: JNI call made without checking exceptions when 
required to from CallStaticObjectMethod
Seen these in alpha2 but not in rc2. Java8 has
been updated since then.
but it's not clear to me which bit of source code is responsible.  There
are also warnings for:

WARNING: JNI local refs: 33, exceeds capacity: 32
   at org.apache.subversion.javahl.util.PropLib.unparseExternals(Native Method)
   at org.apache.subversion.javahl.SVNUtil.unparseExternals(SVNUtil.java:790)
Those are a known issue. There used to be 10-ish
such warnings and now they are down to 3. I vaguely
recall that there had been an actual fix and we are
now seeing the remaining unpatched occurrences.

-- Stefan^2.

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