On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 02:29:25PM +0100, Julian Foad wrote:
> Branch for stabilization 4 months after the last release (which was in 
> 2018-04), so:
>   * Branch in 2018-08
>   * Aim to release in 2018-10

Wouldn't we also have to adjust our backporting guidelines if we
did this? Would 1.10 only receive "security or data corruption
fixes" as of October 2018?

My impression is that many of our users today are companies which
are not in a hurry at all about upgrading their infrastructure.
The kind of feedback we have been getting for 1.10.0 reflects this.
A lot of it seems to be from QA folks who are testing 1.10.0 before
it gets a wider rollout in their organization. In October, these
people will just about have finally deployed 1.10 on a wider scale.

I don't have a problem with moving to a faster cycle myself.
I'll note though that this has already been attempted in the
past, even when we had a lot more development activity in the
project, and it never worked because in the end our own quality
assurance requirements took precedence over a quick release cycle.

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