
we're struggling with this issue again, but we're able to reproduce it now.
We have tested issue on svn 1.9.7 and 1.10.0 and it seems it is still valid.

I wrote some simple application to reproduce the issue. I've
described it in comment, see related issue 
The application needs to be run probably multiple times to reproduce it 

Basically, it seems that it is reproducible only when svnserve is running on 
Windows machine.
I did some tests on svnserve running on Linux machine and issue did not occur.

The client application is stuck on socket read from svnserve and there is no 
from server. We have network dumps and process monitor dumps, but
there isn't any response or network traffic when issue occurs.
The client application is blocked on the connection and  no progress is done
until we free some other connection to svnserve.

Can someone help us with analysis for this issue? I can provide more details if 
I had suspicious on svnserve.c:min_thread_count property, which is by default 
set to 1, but
we have 5+ concurrent connection, so that pool do not have enough workers to 
incoming requests. I have tried suggestion with "--min-threads" and 
"--max-threads" as
described also in previous replies, but without any change - it has same 
behavior as before.
Is there anything more what can we do to debug/trace this issue more?

Thank you,
Jakub Stroleny

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Shahaf [mailto:danie...@apache.org]
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 5:53 PM
To: dev@subversion.apache.org
Subject: Re: Deadlock-like behaviour of svnserve in multi-threaded mode (-T)

Ping.  Has anyone looked into the network dump to try and understand what's 
happening here?

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