Hello, Julian!
I've checked that the latest trunk version skips the directory in this case 
(much better than making it a file). So I'm not sure if it is possible to turn 
it into directory addition at all.

Anyway I've created a test for the case. I'm not 100% sure in the expected 
output/disk/status of the test but from the first glance it looks ok.

The test fails because it expects a directory with a property to be created 
but it is skipped.
Dmitry Pavlenko,
TMate Software,
http://subgit.com/ - git-svn bridge

> Hello!
> When I apply Git format patch that adds a directory with properties, a file
> is added instead.
> Here I provide a reproducing script and also add a file for comparison.
> I think the origin of the problem in the fact that SVN patch doesn't keep
> "node kind". But a patch in "svn diff --git" format does. Here's the example
> of the patch. Notice
>  a) "Property changes on: dir" and "Property changes on: file" lines;
>  b) "new file mode 10644" for file and no such line for directory;
> allowing to distinguish between files and directories.
> I don't know whether it's a known issue or not but I think it would be nice
> to infer "node kind" from that information and also (if this is not already
> done) by the following logic: if patch changes "dir" and "dir/someFile",
> then "dir" is probably a directory.
> Index: /tmp/wc/dir
> ===================================================================
> diff --git a/dir b/dir
> --- a/dir       (nonexistent)
> +++ b/dir       (working copy)
> Property changes on: dir
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Added: propName
> ## -0,0 +1 ##
> +propValue
> \ No newline at end of property
> Index: /tmp/wc/file
> ===================================================================
> diff --git a/file b/file
> new file mode 10644
> Property changes on: file
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Added: propName
> ## -0,0 +1 ##
> +propValue
> \ No newline at end of property
> The reproducing script:
> #!/bin/sh
> SVN=svn
> #1. Create an empty SVN repository.
> svnadmin create "$REPOSITORY_PATH"
> # 2. Add a file with properties and a directory with properties to the
> repository.
> WC_PATH="/tmp/wc"
> touch $WC_PATH/file
> $SVN add $WC_PATH/file
> $SVN mkdir $WC_PATH/dir
> $SVN propset propName propValue $WC_PATH/file
> $SVN propset propName propValue $WC_PATH/dir
> # 3. Create diff between repository HEAD and working copy:
> PATCH_FILE=/tmp/patch
> # 4. Cleanup the working copy
> $SVN revert $WC_PATH/file
> $SVN revert $WC_PATH/dir
> rm $WC_PATH/file
> rmdir $WC_PATH/dir
> # 5. Apply the patch back:
> # 6. Make sure that the file is file and that dir is directory
> FILE_TYPE=`stat -c "%F" $WC_PATH/file`
> DIRECTORY_TYPE=`stat -c "%F" $WC_PATH/dir`
> if [ "$FILE_TYPE" != "regular empty file" ] ; then
>   echo "================"
>   echo "File is not file but $FILE_TYPE"
>   echo "================"
> fi
> if [ "$DIRECTORY_TYPE" != "directory" ] ; then
>   echo "================"
>   echo "Dir is not directory but $DIRECTORY_TYPE"
>   echo "================"
> fi

Index: subversion/tests/cmdline/patch_tests.py
--- subversion/tests/cmdline/patch_tests.py	(revision 1836275)
+++ subversion/tests/cmdline/patch_tests.py	(working copy)
@@ -7913,6 +7913,56 @@ def patch_empty_prop(sbox):
+def patch_git_empty_directory_with_prop(sbox):
+  "empty directory addition confused with file"
+  sbox.build(empty=True)
+  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
+  # This patch is generated for empty directory addition with property by version 1.10
+  git_patch = [ "Index: dir\n",
+                "===================================================================\n",
+                "diff --git a/dir b/dir\n",
+                "--- a/dir        (nonexistent)\n",
+                "+++ b/dir        (working copy)\n",
+                "\n",
+                "Property changes on: dir\n",
+                "___________________________________________________________________\n",
+                "Added: p\n",
+                "## -0,0 +1 ##\n",
+                "+v\n",
+                "\ No newline at end of property\n",
+  ]
+  value = 'v'
+  patch_file_path = sbox.get_tempname('my.patch')
+  svntest.main.file_write(patch_file_path, ''.join(git_patch), 'wb')
+  dir_path = sbox.path('dir')
+  expected_output = wc.State(wc_dir, {
+    'dir'                 : Item(status='A '),
+  })
+  expected_disk = svntest.wc.State('', {})
+  expected_disk.add({'dir': Item(props={'p' : value })})
+  expected_status = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {})
+  expected_status.add({'dir': Item(status='A ', wc_rev='0')})
+  expected_skip = wc.State('', { })
+  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_patch(wc_dir, patch_file_path,
+                                       expected_output,
+                                       expected_disk,
+                                       expected_status,
+                                       expected_skip,
+                                       None, # expected err
+                                       True, # check-props
+                                       False, # dry-run
+                                       )
+  svntest.actions.check_prop('p', dir_path, [value.encode()])
+  if not os.path.isdir(dir_path):
+    raise svntest.Failure
 #Run the tests
@@ -7998,6 +8048,7 @@ test_list = [ None,
+              patch_git_empty_directory_with_prop,
 if __name__ == '__main__':

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