On 02.09.2019 11:45, Julian Foad wrote:
>> Troy Curtis Jr wrote:
>>> James McCoy wrote:
>>>> Finishing(?) and merging the Python3 support would be ideal.  That
>>>> would
>>>> give one release for broader feedback before being in an LTS release.
>>> It needs to get reintegrated with trunk again with the latest
>>> changes, but the linux side of the house was looking good. It was in
>>> trying to get my Windows Dev environment back up and running again
>>> that got me frustrated and gave me an excuse to wander off doing
>>> other things... IIRC, there is a build issue with the Py2 bindings
>>> in that branch on Windows, but I never got far enough to check it out.
> Stefan Sperling wrote:
>> If it helps, we could require Py3-only on Windows, going forward.
>> That particular ecosystem has been dragging its feet for long enough ;)
> What Py3 support are we talking about anyway? svn build? svn test
> suite? swig-py bindings?

This is about the work that's happening on the swig-py3 branch. So: that
would be support for building the swig-py bindings for both Python3 and
Python2. Trunk only support Python2 which has reached end of life.

Our build and test scripts have already been modified to work with both
variants of Python, or rather, with Python 2.7.x and 3.something, for
some unknown value of "something."

-- Brane

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