On 21.10.2019 13:16, Julian Foad wrote:
> Johan Corveleyn wrote:
>> Nathan Hartman wrote:
>>     Branko Čibej  wrote:
>>      > By the principle of least surprise, I think it
>>      > would be better to merge to trunk, create a
>>      > new 1.13.0 release candidate
>>     +1
>>      > and (maybe?) restart the soak.
>>     I support this idea even if the soak must restart or be extended.
>> +1. Since 1.13 contains so very little, I think it's good to be a bit
>> flexible with our planned timing here, to get this on board. I.e.
>> let's merge it in, cut a new rc, and restart the soak.
> Dear all, with respect,
> I would love to see the Py3 support released ASAP.
> But, have we not learned from our past mistakes?  We have prepared a
> regular release that is right now looking to be ready to deploy next
> week, on time.  If we postpone and destabilize it now [1], this would
> make mockery of "regular" releases.  I would love to trust that
> merging the branch will go smoothly with no follow-up required and no
> extra time taken, but history has taught us that it is foolish to
> assume so.
> Surely the right approach is to release what we have got (the
> currently soaking 1.13), then release the new one as soon as we can
> get it ready. It sounds like it's not suitable for a patch release, so
> we'll make it a new minor release, calling it 1.14.

If you (or some other RM volunteer) is prepared to roll 1.14 with Python
3 support in, say, a month after 1.13 -- with all that implies for
downstream packagers -- then sure.

> Nothing says we shouldn't release an extra minor release, or that we
> shouldn't make two minor releases close together.

Well, other than that it is also, strictly speaking, a "mockery of
regular releases." :)

-- Brane

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