Nathan Hartman wrote on Sun, Nov 24, 2019 at 12:26:04 -0500:
> On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 9:09 PM Daniel Shahaf <> wrote:
> > wrote on Thu, 21 Nov 2019 04:23 +00:00:
> > > +<p>The convenience script that downloads Subversion's minimal
> > > +build-time dependencies,, has been updated to download
> > > +py3c. This script is found in the source distribution's root
> > > +directory. For the full list of Subversion's dependencies, see the
> > > +INSTALL file in the same directory.</p>
> >
> > Suggest to link to the INSTALL file.
> Done in r1870317.
> Also in r1870317, made mention of a link.


> I went ahead and pointed both links to branches/1.14.x; currently
> there is no explicit revision number in the links because that
> information isn't known yet. Perhaps these should eventually point at
> the tag?

It's a stable branch, so there isn't _that_ much of a risk in pointing
to branches/1.14.x/INSTALL@HEAD: even if it contains unreleased changes,
at least one developer has reviewed them and considered them suitable
for backport.

> Then again, that would be useless for pre-release
> announcements/testing.

How so?  Even for pre-releases, we create tags before announcing them
to announce@.  As to anything that may happen on dev@, people subscribed
to dev@ can be assumed to know their way to the INSTALL file, broken
links notwithstanding. ☺

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