Nathan Hartman wrote on Thu, 02 Jan 2020 17:44 +00:00:
> On Thu, Jan 2, 2020 at 11:35 AM Daniel Shahaf <> wrote:
> > Nathan Hartman wrote on Thu, Jan 02, 2020 at 10:45:25 -0500:
> >  > Regarding the one test failure I had ( 7 with
> >  > [svn x bdb]), I've had two more since, both with bdb. These are
> >  > intermittent database errors and occur in varying places. (All fsfs
> >  > tests have passed every time.)
> > 
> >  Actually, all three backtraces so far are in, so something 
> > like
> >  this might be useful:
> I'm a bit confused here. Yes, the Python backtraces show it coming from 
> but aren't these being instigated by the BDB errors/panics 
> (which are reported as a E160029)? calls svnadmin, which exits with E160029 (and, apparently,
SIGABRT), which becomes an uncaught Python exception, which triggers the
stack trace, which lists

The point is, the errors always happened during, never
during any other part of the test functions [the ones listed in
«test_list»], so you should be able to reproduce the errors much more
quickly by running the test suite with that patch.  For example, you
could run the test suite with the older bdb, establish how many FAILs
you get per 2000 test functions, and then upgrade bdb and try again.

Makes sense?

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