On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 6:11 AM Eric S. Raymond <e...@thyrsus.com> wrote:

> Julian Foad <julianf...@apache.org>:
> > Thanks for your detailed reply, Eric. I can accept your argument of
> > value of v2 dump format for its simplicity for these purposes.
> *heaves vast sigh of relief*
> Thank you.  A few users with trouble because svnrdump doesn't dump
> version 2 would have been annoying but comparatively minor.  Version 2
> potentially getting dropped im the future because Subversion's devs
> don't grasp its use cases was a much bigger deal.

I cannot speak authoritatively on this topic as we make decisions as a
community, but I do not believe there has ever been any intent or
consideration to drop the version 2 format.  Version 3 is not a superior
format, it is just a different format. Specifically, it just stores deltas
instead of full texts so the dump file is a lot smaller. I do not believe
we would ever consider dropping support for full text dumps or loads,
especially at this stage in the project's lifecycle.

As for svnrdump and version 3, as someone mentioned this was more an
artifact of how it was created. It uses the same ra interface that was
created for svnsync and that ships deltas. I do not think it would be very
possible to create a version 2 dumpfile out of what is coming over the wire
when this runs but I guess that is for someone else to figure out. Most
likely it would require creating new ra interfaces which would mean you
would need new versions of server and client to use them etc. None of that
sounds realistic to me at this point.

I can only suggest a hacky workaround. My assumption is that svnrdump is
being used because there is no direct access to the svn server and so
getting the content over the network is the only way to get access to it.
The tldr; would be to create and load a local repository and then do a full
dump from that. But here it is in steps:

1. I would always prefer svnsync over svnrdump when possible just because
if it gets interupted, svnsync can be restarted easily.
2. svnsync will be creating a local repository, not a dump file. That is
going to be handy for the next suggestion. If svnrdump was used, then I
would create a repos and load the dump file.
3. Now that a local repository exists, a full dump can be created from that


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