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----- Forwarded message from Mark Thomas <> -----

> Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2021 17:39:23 +0000
> From: Mark Thomas <markt@>
> To: operations@
> Subject: Re: Path and name of KEYS file
> Reply-To:
> Message-ID: <>
> [A quoted person] wrote:
> > [Who owns questions about the policy for pathnames of keyring files
> > in dist/?]
> Since this stems from the release policy, I'd guess the Legal Affairs
> committee.
> > [Each PMC should have a single keyring file, named "KEYS" and placed
> > at the root of its dist/ tree.]
> I think that should be a strong recommendation (SHOULD) rather than a
> hard requirement (MUST).
> The hard requirements are that the KEYS file is:
> - linked from the download page
> - contains the key(s) that signed the release(s) on the download page
> - available to the mirror network
> If the project has a reason to locate the file elsewhere they should be
> free to do so.
> Mark

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