Den tis 11 jan. 2022 15:34Julian Foad <> skrev:

> Johan Corveleyn wrote:
> > Thanks for starting to get this ball rolling, Daniel.
> Seconded.
> >> I have been pondering the question of which release(s) and in what
> >> order. I think 1.14.2 and 1.10.8 first, then 1.15.x later.
> Sounds good.
> As mentioned in another thread just now, I'm now able to work on issue
> #525 (pristines-on-demand) so we might consider if it's going to fit into
> the 1.15.0 time scale. I'm just starting today so if we could consider this
> in a few days once we've got some summary/plan/idea of how it might
> progress that would be good.

I see several votes for releasing 1.15 "later". Nathan (I think) at one
point suggested that 1.15 might be "the performance release" with the
"streaming checkouts" from last summer so I think it makes sense to also
bring this to completion. So: Later = +1 for me.

> As for release management, I can volunteer at least a little support to a
> release manager, based on what I learnt and can remember from doing it a
> few times in the last few years.

Agree it is good if more hands know the skills. For me January and February
are quite busy and I hope we can find someone to do 1.10.8 and 1.14.2
during that timeframe. I might be able to free some time for a 1.15 release
in March/April.


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