Daniel Shahaf wrote:
>> The request is to break the original design's invariant for this case.
> By only hydrating files that have been updated repository-side.  How
> will small, modified files that _haven't_ been remotely modified get
> hydrated, then?  The logic is the same for small and large files, IIUC.

They will get hydrated by any operation that needs them to be, such as diff and 

> Also, why is this specific to «svn update»? 

It's not specific to update. Update is a particular case that Karl cares about 
so I looked at doing "update" first. Implementing this approach in one 
subcommand at a time could be considered releasable incremental steps, because 
each one is a further optimisation.

> It seems to apply equally
> well to «svn diff» without further arguments, since the "large" files
> are presumed to be undiffable, 

That's not presumed. It's a rule of thumb that large files are often 
undiffable, but as yet there has been no plan to omit them from a requested 
diff by default. That could be a future sub-feature.

> If the issue does apply not only to 'update' but also to 'diff', that
> suggests we should look for a solution that applies to both of them
> (e.g., exclude "large" files from being recursed into by default, or
> make it so "large" files _never_ get hydrated).

That is a possible alternative to consider. Perhaps even a good one worth 
filing and discussing further.

- Julian

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