On Fri, Apr 01, 2022 at 06:08:14PM +0200, Johan Corveleyn wrote:
> I suppose the "modified for better performance" refers to some
> optimisations done by Morten Kloster, who then later submitted the
> patch adding this comment in r1128862. His optimisations were more
> related to the LCS algorithm (further reducing the problem space, and
> providing early exits in certain cases or some such).
> The core LCS algorithm in libsvn_diff/lcs.c was from way before my
> time, and according to 'svn blame' was mainly written by Sander
> Striker. I don't understand it fully either :-), but I always assumed
> it was basically some clever implementation of Myers' algorithm.

Yes, that is my understanding as well.

I believe this performance problem has always existed.
I have already tried reverting optimizations made over time, and it did
not make any difference with the problematic test data I have.

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