On 2021/07/27 20:02:04 Pavel Lyalyakin wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it supported to enter "username:password@" in the URL with the SVN
> command-line client?
> The SVN client crashes when I run the following command:
> [[[
> svn info https://username:passw...@svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk
> ]]]
> [[[
> svn: E235000: In file '..\..\..\subversion\libsvn_client\util.c' line 96:
> assertion failed (svn_uri__is_ancestor(pathrev->repos_root_url, url))
> ]]]
> svn, version 1.14.1 (r1886195) on Windows.
> Found this at https://stackoverflow.com/q/68502915/761095.

Based on me digging around in GDB and in the source hunting for a similar 
assert, I'm guessing that uri_skip_ancestor doesn't account for the 
username/password in the URL:

uri_skip_ancestor(const char *parent_uri,
                  const char *child_uri)
  apr_size_t len = strlen(parent_uri);

  if (0 != strncmp(parent_uri, child_uri, len))
    return NULL; /* parent_uri is no ancestor of child_uri */

By code inspection, I believe parent_uri comes from svn_ra_get_repos_root2 and 
child_uri comes from the command line URL. I'm guessing the second still 
contains the username/password while the first one doesn't, so obviously the 
strncmp doesn't think they are equal.

I'm not sure where the correct place would be to filter out the 
username/password. It could surely be done in uri_skip_ancestor but I also 
think there is already code to do this somewhere.

Kind regards,

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