
This is based on a problem we have in the TortoiseSVN project and I'm not
proficient enough in the API to resolve it myself.

We know of a path that existed at one point in time (basically a peg
revision). We would like to connect to the repository and figure out the
current HEAD revision (we don't care about the repository content at this

We use svn_client_open_ra_session2() for the connection and send in the
path. This may fail if the path has subsequently been removed. So we
instead tried to send in "/", but that failed for some users who don't have
read access to the repository root but only on certain subdirectories.

I think what I'd want to do is to either connect to the repository without
any path at all, or to use a peg revision to say "the path was THIS at THAT
point in history". Is there a way to do this?

(And please excuse me if I'm using the wrong terminology above, I'm still
learning :-) ).

Kind regards,

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