Den sön 21 juli 2024 kl 18:29 skrev Timofei Zhakov <>:

> >> > (snipping most content)
> Hi,
> I made the most fixes suggested from this thread. Now the project
> compiles correctly on Linux and also the tests are passing (except one
> which doesn't work due to different build layouts and the Python tests
> are not yet running). It still needs some testing and improvement. I'd
> appreciate any feedback.
> Additionally, I tried to compile with CMake on Mac OS and it worked
> correctly without any modifications!! I was so excited that it
> succeeded!

I can add FreeBSD as "working without modifications".

I also tried OpenBSD but failed on missing Expat ("Could not find a package
configuration file provided by "expat" with any of the following names:
expatConfig.cmake expat-config.cmake [....]". I could not figure out if
this is a missing package in OpenBSD or that Expat on OpenBSD doesn't
provide the required cmake file. I hope @Stefan Sperling <>
can chime in on this issue!

Finally, after more exploring the build system on Unix platforms and
> trying the CMake on them, I thought that the CMake build system could
> be also recommended for Unix (of course when it is ready for this).
> The main reason for this is that we will only need to support a single
> build system across all possible platforms. This means we will only
> have to implement features and utilities, such as dependency
> searching, once, while ensuring cross-platform support. For example,
> this approach could prevent scenarios where a feature is implemented
> for Linux, but then requires fixes for the Windows build system.
> Additionally, nowadays CMake is considered more modern than autoconf,
> offering numerous advanced features for developers, packagers, and
> users. It could sometimes work faster and be more configurable than
> autoconf. However, this is just my personal opinion, and some
> individuals may still prefer autoconf instead, so...
> What do you think?

I have already expressed my opinion in previous e-mails, but Timofei
articulate it much better than I could ever do. I agree with his analysis
above and give it my support. I previously suggested to have CMake as an
"alternative" build system for 1.15 and make it the default build system
for 1.16.

Kind regards,

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