Have retards taken over suckless?

Or is this all some big sick joke?


On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 11:31 AM, thomas<thomas....@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/9/2  <hessi...@hessiess.com>:
>>> I recommend type setting using HTML.
> I second this: HTML, then a conversion to pdf.
>> HTML is useless for document typesetting for a number of reasons:
>> ...
>> -- Browsers are incapable of hyphenating words, justified text has massive
>> gaps in it.
> The html-to-pdf converter Prince (princexml.com) supports hyphenation,
> using Tex patterns.
>> -- Browsers are incapable of using ligatures and outher features provided
>> by preferential fonts.
> Prince supports all opentype features. For instance, to get oldstyle digits:
> p { font-variant: prince-opentype(onum) }
> If you do not like Prince, you can also print your documents from
> Firefox to a pdf file. You can even automate this:
> http://torisugari.googlepages.com/commandlineprint2
> ++
> Thomas

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