On Thu 15 Oct 2009 at 13:03:15 PDT Bobby wrote:
I misread your email as meaning he never used more than two fingers.
You are correct, and I agree with your comments. In addition, I think
that the main hurdle in all of this is that my hands are moved away
from the keyboard yet again to a different device that has no tactile
feedback, added costs, another new paradigm to learn, and no added
benefits over existing tiling window managers. Cool idea, but lacks any
serious application in my opinion.

Aside from the problems others have mentioned, I can't imagine how
having to reach over that overblown touchpad in order to use the
keyboard would be anything except uncomfortably awkward.
Either the touchpad would put my arms in a carpal tunnel aggravating
position, or the keyboard would.
The "continuum" layout is interesting, but doesn't seem to require their
ten-finger touchpad.  It doesn't seem that it would be very hard to
implement the same ideas in a keyboard-only windowmanager.

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