In gmane.comp.misc.suckless, you wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 09, 2009 at 06:16:43PM -0600, tosh wrote:
> For fuck's sake! It's not that hard, and we've just had this 
> discussion. Well, I hope you can figure this one out yourself, 
> or I suppose you'll have to stay subscribed.

Sorry Kris, for fucking up my unsubscribe on my rcorsaro email account.
I tried not to fuck it up, because I know how annoying it is, but I
guess I'm slightly retarded.  In the end, I fucked up in a pretty funny
way, so all was not lost.  On the plus side I have the list working with
gmane and slrn.  Thanks to those who suggested slrn, it's great.  And
thanks to Kris from manually unsubscribing my other email.

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