On Tue, 15 Dec 2009 10:54:03 +0100
Frederik Caulier <aed...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello dev@
> Some of you might be interested in alternatives to the X Window
> System, so I thought I'd just share [0] with you.
> Although Y-Windows being currently unmaintained it might still be
> worth a look.
> [0] http://www.y-windows.org/
> Best regards,
> F. Caulier

hmmmm... not entirely suckless
What features does Y have that X11 doesn't?
    The major features include:

        * Server-side widgets
        * Unicode support
        * True 32bit alpha-blending (allowing semi-transparent windows,
          drop shadows, etc.)
        * Hot-pluggable module system for video, input and ipc drivers
          (change video drivers on-the-fly, ...)

there are also:

which may or may not be[come] less sucky then Xorg resp X11


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